Our Small Animal Services are provided at our office located at 20079 HWY 954 N in Smicksburg, PA. All visits are by appointment only. Our goal is to provide top-notch services in a very efficient manner to minimize wait times for our clients while visiting our office. We try to utilize flexible scheduling to allow availability for all of our clients’ needs.
Wellness Care
- Preventative care should be a staple in every pet’s life. By visiting the vet yearly and setting a regular vaccination schedule made specifically for your pet and their needs, many diseases and conditions can be prevented or treatment can have a higher success rate when diagnosed early.
- Your new puppy or kitten should visit our office at 8 weeks of age where we conduct a comprehensive evaluation. At this time a plan can be made for a spay or neuter.
- Using flea and tick preventative is extremely important to your pet’s health especially in our region. Preventatives should be used year round to prevent many diseases such as Lyme’s disease and tapeworms. Even if your pet is an inside pet and does not go outside, flea and tick preventative is still necessary.
- There are many vaccine options available for dogs. It is ultimately up to each individual owner as to what all you would like to vaccinate against. We will speak with each individual owner to devise a vaccination schedule for each patient.
- Rabies Vaccination- it is Pa law that every canine be up-to-date on their rabies vaccination. Even if your dog is an inside dog and does not go outside, a rabies is still necessary. Rabies can be brought into your house by animals who live outside that accidently get in, which can in turn infect your inside pets.
- DHLPP- better known as a 5-way vaccine, is the most common vaccination dogs receive. Parvo and Leptosporosis are the most commonly seen diseases that easily preventable by vaccinating them with the 5-way vaccine.
- Kennel Cough or Bordetella- if you take your dog to a groomer or boarder, you most likely will be required to have your animal vaccinated against kennel cough. Kennel cough causes dogs to have a very dry cough, it is the coughing action that passes the bacteria on to other dogs just like the human cold. If your dog spends time around other dogs, then the kennel cough vaccine is for you.
- CIV or Canine Influenza Virus- this is a relatively new vaccine that some boarders/groomers are requiring.
- Lymes Vaccination- Lymes disease is a very prevalent disease seen in our region that is transmitted by ticks. The most common signs of Lymes disease is lameness or fever. Lymes disease can set up in kidneys which can cause irreversible damage. By vaccinating against Lymes disease, you greatly decrease the likelihood of your dog contracting Lymes disease. Although no vaccine can be guaranteed as 100%, the Lyme’s vaccine can greatly reduce the risk of your pet contracting this possibly fatal disease.
- There are many vaccine options available for cats. It is ultimately up to each individual owner as to what all you would like to vaccinate against. We will speak with each individual owner to devise a vaccination schedule for each patient.
- Rabies- it is Pa State Law that cats be vaccinated against rabies. Even if your cat is an inside cat and does not go outside, a rabies vaccination is still necessary. Rabies can be brought into your house by animals who live outside that accidently get in, which can in turn infect your inside pets.
- FVRCP – commonly known as a 4-way vaccine- The FVRCP vaccination is an important part of your cat’s routine. It prevents three potentially deadly airborne viruses: rhinotracheitis, calicivirus and panleukopenia. These three viruses can be contracted by cats at any age in which the diseases are spread from cat to cat. All of the above listed viruses affect your pets’ respiratory tract. These diseases are much more easily prevented than treated.
- Feline Leukemia – Feline leukemia virus (FeLV) is the leading viral killer of cats. The virus is spread in the saliva and nasal secretions of infected cats; infection is transmitted through prolonged contact with infected cats, bite wounds, and from an infected mother cat to her kittens. Disease caused by FeLV is very serious, and it is estimated that fewer than 20 percent of infected cats will survive more than three years after being infected.
**Remember- prevention of diseases and viruses is much more beneficial and cost efficient then treatment! Call today with any questions regarding vaccinating your pets.
- Heartworm preventative– heartworms are spread through the bite of a mosquito. The dog is the definitive host, meaning that the worms mature into adults, mate, and produce offspring while living inside a dog. While living inside your dog, these worms take up valuable room in blood vessels and nutrients your pet needs to be healthy. Heartworm preventative kills the worms before they are able to become adults and attached themselves to your pet. It is safest to start your pet on heartworm preventative when they are young. If you wait to start heartworm preventative it is extremely important to have your animal tested for heartworms first before starting a preventative. A simple blood test will let us know your pet is not currently infected with heartworms.
- Microchips- microchips are placed by a simple one time injection. They do not hurt your pet any more than a vaccine. Once the microchip is placed, we then enroll your information into the HomeAgain national pet recovery database. You can then go online to upload pictures and any other information about your pet.
Should your pet ever get lost and taken to a shelter or clinic, the chip will be scanned and read. Then, with your pet’s unique ID code, the shelter will be able to contact you to reunite you with your pet!
Another advantage that a microchip allows is the ability to purchase a lifetime license for your pet because a microchip is considered a permanent form of identification. Contact us today with questions regarding the benefits of microchipping your pets.
- Medical Care
- We have an in-house lab than can run blood work and have answers in minutes.
- Radiology
- Ultrasound
- Surgical Procedures
- Spay/Neuter
- Mass removal
- Dewclaw/Declaw
- etc..